Fuel System Cleaning at Tuffy Kentwood (Kalamazoo Ave SE) in Kentwood for Better Performance
December 25, 2014
A fuel injector is a valve that delivers fuel to a vehicles engine. It has to deliver the precise amount of fuel, to precisely the right place, precisely when the engine needs it. The fuel also has to be mixed with air before it can burn in the engine. Fuel injectors are engineered to spray fuel ... More

Fuel Saving Tip: Car Weight And Your Michigan Driving
December 16, 2014
Weight is the enemy of fuel economy. Everyone from here to East Grand Rapids knows this makes sense. Some of us in the East Grand Rapids area carry a bunch of unnecessary weight, and I'm not talkin' what you see in the mirror. Guys; sports equipment and tools. Ladies; well, just ta... More

Selecting New Tires and Wheels
December 11, 2014
Some of us Kentwood car owners just love tires. All those little rubber hairs on new tires and the smell is wonderful. Kentwood drivers live in a great time for tires. No matter how you drive between Kentwood and Grand Rapids, where you want to go or the look you're after; there is a... More

Getting New Tires In Kentwood?
December 2, 2014
There are so many tire choices in the Kentwood, Wyoming, and East Grand Rapids area, selecting the right one can be a bit overwhelming for Grand Rapids auto owners. And even though its kind of fun to have new tires on your SUV, theyre a significant investment for most Grand Rapids folks so you ... More