Used Cars: Tuffy Kentwood (Kalamazoo Ave SE) Advice on What to Do After You Buy
November 27, 2017
Used vehicles are certainly an economical choice for budget-conscious Kentwood drivers. But how can we know we're getting a good used vehicle and not just inheriting someone else's problems?There are good used vehicles for sale in the Kentwood area. Vehicles are sold when families upsize, when fa... More

Tracking True in Kentwood: Wheel Alignment
November 19, 2017
At Tuffy Kentwood (Kalamazoo Ave SE), we occasionally see severe tire damage that could have been prevented with proper wheel alignment. During a Tuffy Kentwood (Kalamazoo Ave SE) alignment service, your vehicle is put on an alignment rack where the tires, steering and suspension parts are inspe... More

Busting Automotive Myths in Kentwood, Michigan
November 13, 2017
Myths passed around our Kentwood, Michigan community start with a grain of evidence and are then built up with a lot of imagination and very elastic logic. And the internet is a breeding ground for automotive myths. Some bloggers recall the vehicles of yesteryear and declare their modern decede... More

Put on the Brakes: Brake Service at Tuffy Kentwood (Kalamazoo Ave SE)
November 7, 2017
When it comes to preventive maintenance and vehicle care, most Kentwood drivers know how important it is to check their brakes. But brakes are more than just brake pads and shoes. There are a lot of components in the brake system, and they all need to be in good working order.The pads and shoes ... More

Kentwood Drivers: Get Fresh Air Inside Your Car
November 1, 2017
Let's talk about air quality in Kentwood. It's a global issue, but affects us wherever we are. Many decades ago, Kentwood drivers began to become aware of how air pollution negatively affects health. But what about the air inside your vehicle?Now, it's only been in the last few years that cabin a... More