Clean Air for Your Engine: A New Engine Air Filter at Tuffy Kentwood (Kalamazoo Ave SE)
October 29, 2014
All of us Kentwood motorists know we have to get the oil changed in our SUVs periodically. Thats just part of good car care. But when Grand Rapids service professionals change your oil, they also usually inspect your air filter. Thats why they sometimes let you know that your air ... More

Cool Running In Kentwood
October 24, 2014
Unless you live in Death Valley, you really dont hear much any more about cars overheating. Thats because cooling systems in vehicles have been much improved. That doesnt mean you cant overheat your SUV engine, though. Without proper preventive maintenance, you could still find yo... More

Introduction to Diesels for Kentwood, Michigan
October 16, 2014
Something youre going to be hearing a lot about around Kentwood, Michigan is diesel engines. Were not talking about semi-trucks and buses Were talking about diesel engine cars, pick-ups and SUVs. Most people in Kentwood, Michigan are surprised to learn that around half the cars on... More

Your Well Trained Technician At Tuffy Kentwood (Kalamazoo Ave SE)
October 9, 2014
When your SUV has a problem, or just needs some routine service, you might get a little nervous. Your cars so important to your life in Kentwood, you need to back on the road as soon as possible with the problem fixed right the first time. If youve ever checked into some of the tec... More

Grand Rapids Safety Systems: Tire Pressure Monitoring System
October 2, 2014
Flats, blow outs, skids and longer stopping distances can all be the result of Kentwood auto owners driving around on under-inflated tires. Admittedly, its hard to tell when a radial tire is under-inflated. If your auto maker recommends 35 pounds of pressure, your SUV tires consider... More